Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr

  • Need to Close acrord32.exe immediatly after the print command is executed please help @echo off rem start ' 'acrord32' 'xxxxxx.pdf' acrord32/N/T xxxxxx.pdf taskkill /f /im AcroRd32.exe currently the acrobat reader windows needs to be closed manually Acrobat Reader ver XI.
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  • @echo off echo Uninstalling Adobe AIR. Wmic product where 'name like 'Adobe AIR%%' call uninstall /nointeractive echo. Echo Uninstalling Adobe Reader. Wmic product where 'name like 'Adobe Reader%%' call uninstall /nointeractive echo. Echo Uninstalling Adobe Flash. Wmic product where 'name like 'Adobe Flash Player%%' call uninstall /nointeractive echo.
If you are running a program that relies upon Java Runtime, sometimes it crashes and even using End Task doesn't seem to remove everything from memory. I was often having this problem so I wrote a small script with AutoIt to look for Java and close it, over and over again until it is gone from memory! You could adapt this script to close any troublesome program of course, just change the $proc= variable line in the script below.

Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr Acrobat

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Here's the script in case you find it useful:
Copy the above code, save it in a text file called CloseJava.au3
Compile using AutoIt
Double click the resulting CloseCloseJava.exeAutoit, it'll say:
Click Autoit Close Adobe ReaderprimofasrAutoit close adobe readerprimofasr tutorialOK


Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr Tutorial

Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr Cs6

Just a small script that demonstrates how useful AutoIt is. Of course I've shown how to close Java but you could use the same script to close a different program. Just alter the $proc= variable.Autoit

Autoit Close Adobe Readerprimofasr 7.0