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High-End Audio / Audiophile Equipment Reviews And Think Pieces

January 2021

FREE PDF & INTERACTIVE E-MAGAZINES. This site is only for demonstration purposes. All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. The Absolute Sound’s High-End Audio Hall of Fame 2020 Inductees. These articles showcase the lives and seminal accomplishments of the most significant contributors to high-quality music reproduction in the home. Today’s high-end audio industry would be unimaginable without them.

Enjoy the CelebratesAdding
Ecoustics As Content Sharing Partners
Enjoythe and ecoustics are thrilled to announce our new content sharing partnership, expanding the reach of both online publications to a wider range of readers, listeners, and viewers across the globe. With a combined46 years of online publishing history between the two magazines, both are cornerstones of the consumerhome entertainment media online world and charging into 2021 with a renewed sense of purpose anddirection.
---> Enjoy the Music.comcelebrates adding ecoustics.

Q&A With Jim Anderson
Recording Engineer And Grammy Winner,
Many Times Over
When Jim Anderson was a kid, his teacher told him to put down the records and focus on his studies. Luckily for the world of immersive audio, he didn't listen.
Article By Immersive Audio Album (IAA)
Jim Anderson'srecordings have won a whopping 11 Grammy awards. His projects have beennominated for another 27, most recently for his role as the Surround MixEngineer on Gisle Kverndokk: Symphonic Dances in 2020. Jim recently spokewith IAA about mixing this album, teaching at NYU, how he got into immersivemusic, and more. Added note by Enjoy the audio is the three-dimensional approach to audio storytelling that is taking sound to new heights. While traditional'surround sound' exists in a horizontal plane around the listener, immersive sound refers to an expanded sonic field that quite literally immerses the listener in a multi-dimensionalsoundscape.
---> Q&A With Jim Anderson: Recordingengineer and Grammy winner, many times over.

Remembering Tim de Paravicini
October 1945 To December 2020
Lecture by Tim de Paravicini in December 2006 as we all celebrate the triode's 100th anniversary.
Article By Joe Rasmussen
It was the year 2006 and the annual European TriodeFestival was looming at the very end of November and into early December. Thiswas a special year for those into tubes, or valves as some call them. In fact,Triodes is the very raison de'tre for the annual European TriodeFestival. Mostly for Europeans, but many would come from other parts as well,all Triode lovers. I have attended a number of times, all the way from Australiaand I am fairly sure I have the record for the most-traveled distance. This wasone year I was not going to miss out. Behind the scenes, Guido Tent and Emile Sprengerof the organizing committee wanted to invite somebody significant, somebody ofimportance.
---> Remembering Tim de Paravicini.

And The Music Goes 'Round And 'Round..
Roger Skoff writes about changing ideas of perfection.
ArticleBy Roger Skoff
I just saw a picture of a truly remarkable recording studio mixing/masteringconsole. It has 48 channels, 56 monitors, 1046 Routing Modules, four bands of EQ on every input, and, for only a little under two hundred grand, it has enough features, knobs, dials, special effects, toys, andgoodies to satisfy even the most control freak engineer orproducer. I loved it! And, when I was a Hi-Fi Crazy kid recording maven, back more than half a century ago, I would have lusted after it as the fulfillment of my every recordingdream.
---> And The Music Goes 'Round And 'Round..

The Right Call:
How To Avoid Poor Equalization Choices
Exploring the matter that how an analyzer is set up can greatly affect the appearance of the results.
Article By Merlijn van Veen
Ifyou don't know the answer before you start to measure, how do you know you aregetting a good measurement?' – Ivan Beaver, chief engineer, Danley SoundLabs. If I were to ask you to measure the voltagecoming out of the electrical outlet closest to you using a multimeter or VOM (volt-ohm-millimeter),you would have expectations. However, should the multimeter's display, forwhatever reason, not show the expected voltage for your specific region, there'sa valid reason to start investigating. Maybe the meter's batteries are dead ormaybe a circuit breaker tripped. Regardless, you were right to question theoutcome because it didn't meet expectations.
---> The Right Call: How To Avoid Poor Equalization Choices.

An Interview With Alfred Vassilkov Of Estelon
Interestingdevelopment from this brilliant loudspeakerdesigner.
Interview By Andrija Curkovic Of hifimedia.
To be a success in a global market, and in a very challenging segment ofpremium high-end speakers, from a country which many audiophiles, if you askthem, would not be able to find on a map, is a huge success. Usually, the storyabout such success would be preordained (fully unjustifiably) for some 'otheryoung company', situated somewhere in one of the countries of the so-calleddeveloped west. If we also know that the headquarters of the company is in thecity of Tallinn, in Estonia, the country which fulfilled its independence, andend of the occupation by the former Soviet Union, which started after the WorldWar II, only in 1991, the story gets another dimension.
---> Aninterview with Alfred Vassilkov of Estelon.

10 Questions For High-EndAudio Manufacturers
Featuring David Chesky Of Chesky Records & HDtracks
DuringEnjoy the's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking varioushigh-end audio manufacturers to answer the same ten questions. Their answers maysurprise you! This month we're featuring David Chesky of Chesky Records andHDtracks. At Chesky Records, their philosophy is simple: to create the illusion of live musicians in a real three-dimensional space. Chesky Records tries to achieve the impression of reality with the most advanced technology available, careful microphone placement, and, most of all, a recording team that pays attention to every minute detail-making your listening experience tangible, pleasurable, exciting, and realistic.
---> 10 questions to David Chesky of Chesky Records & HDtracks.

10 Questions To DavidSolomon Of Qobuz
Sharing the joys of Qobuz's lossless streaming music service.
Enjoy the's 25thAnniversary brings you a new special feature!
DuringEnjoy the's very special 25th Anniversary we're asking varioushigh-end audio manufacturers and personalities to answer questions about theirlove of music. Their answers maysurprise you! This month we're featuring David Solomon, Chief Evangelist forstreaming music service Qobuz. When they formed Qobuz in 2008, their goal was to offer the digital world the aspects of music fandom that audiophiles, those who love music best, have always cherished. ForQobuz, this meant quality sound, quality editorial, and a freedom of choice that wholly excludes bias. As a result oftheir diverse collective culture and musical education, Qobuz' business catered to artists old andnew.
---> 10 questionsto David Solomon of Qobuz.


World Premiere Review!
Dynamic Sounds Associates Amp I Review
Class-A tour de force!
Review By Greg Weaver
I'vehad the pleasure of writing about Dynamic Sounds Associates gear for over 16years now, with my first take on the original Phono-ONE phonostage appearingback in November of 2004! Since that time, I've reviewed, or used as reference,the superb Phono II phonostage (with the Phono III coming on deck soon!), theexceptional PreI Linestage, and now, I am privileged to bring you the world premiere reviewof the exceptional Amp I monoblocks. The engineering mind behind allthese fresh and exceptional designs is one Dr. Douglas Hurlburt, whom I firstmet while living in southern Maryland during the early to mid-nineteen nineties.
--->Dynamic Sounds Associates Amp I review.

Nagra Tube DAC And Classic PSU PowerSupply Review
Sonic glory.. worth it!
Review ByTom Lyle
Nagrais a Swiss audio equipment manufacturer that has been in business for over 65years. Free online english arabic translatorwesternagents. Their professional portable tape records were an industry standard formany decades, even appearing as props in many films and television shows. Theirreputation was rock-solid even before they started manufacturing high-end audioequipment in the 21st Century. Because of this, and because of the fine high-end audiocomponents they've been designing and manufacturing since 2012, I suppose thereare many audiophiles, and plenty of non-audiophile, who might add the Nagra TubeDAC and its matching Classic PSU power supply to their systems without anaudition, or without reading reviews on the subject.
--->Nagra Tube DAC and Classic PSU Power Supply.

Burmester B38Loudspeaker Review
Producing a very convincing airiness and generosity of orchestral music.
Review By Michael Lang
Burmester is not the largest hi-fi company, bothin terms of revenue and number of employees. The manufacturer also does not havethe ambition to offer the most expensive products in the high-end market at anyprice – nevertheless, there are only a few other consumer electronicscompanies worldwide that evoke a similar desire and enjoy a reputation as goodas this manufacturer does, founded by Dieter Burmester in 1978. However, thefirst step towards this was not made by loudspeakers, as Burmester only startedproducing these in 1994 with the model 949, but by the legendary preamplifier777, introduced in the summer of 1977.
--->Burmester B38 floorstanding speaker review.

Linear Tube Audio,Decware,
Omega Speaker Systems,And ZuAudio
The Audiophile System Builder V2
Our recommendations for buying a complete audiophile stereo system with a budget between $3600 to $7400 for streaminghi-res audio.
Review By Ian White Of ecoustics
Our recommendations for buying a complete audiophile stereosystem with a budget between $3600 to $7400 for streaming hi-res audio. We covered a lot of ground in the first installment of the AudiophileSystem Builder, and kept it limited to a few brands that we know have a lotof system synergy. The notion that you can just throw a bottomless pit of moneyat a stack of equipment and walk away with a great sounding audio system is afallacy. There is a reason why dealers demonstrate specific brands together andwhile not every dealer gets it correct 100% of the time, you're paying for alevel of expertise which includes knowing which amplifier sounds great with theloudspeakers set-up in front of you.
---> The Audiophile System Builder V2.

Focal Stellia Stereo Headphones Review
Setting a high-water mark for headphones to measure up to.
Review By John Hoffman
As a lifelong two-channel audiolistener I had my doubts that I could appreciate listening to music throughheadphones. A good friend of mine extolls the benefits of the personal listeningexperience, but I never could come around to seeing his point of view. Sure, Ihave inexpensive ear buds and in ear monitors for portable listening, but thiswas always casual listening at best. Yet there are times I could see theadvantages of having a headphone system, as there are certain genres of musicother household members do not appreciate late at night. The question I had inthe back of my mind is, 'Could a die-hard audiophile appreciate a set ofcans? Would I find long-term listening satisfaction with high-performanceheadphones?'
---> Focal Stellia stereo headphones review.

Beyerdynamic T1 Generation 3 HeadphonesReview
The return (and update) of a true classic!
Review By Peter Pialis
Approximately 11 years ago when I first started out in theworld of personal audio, my first foray into the high-end market space was withmy purchase of the venerable beyerdynamic T1. Coming in at $999, the original T1was beyerdynamic's response to the Sennheiser HD800 flagship release. Being ahuge fan (and owner) of the DT880 (600-Ohm version), the T1 really grabbed myattention and I decided to give the T1 a whirl just to see how much better soundquality through a pair of headphones could be. I likely purchased the very firstpair available for sale here in Canada and I still get very nostalgic when Irecall my first unboxing of these headphones.
--->Beyerdynamic T1 generation 3 headphones review.

Online Audio Magazines

LampizatOr MM2 Moving-Magnet (MM) PhonoStage Review
Beautiful to behold and a joy to use.
Review By Brett Rudolph
Turntableshave always been one of my favorite sources for my playback system. They arehighly customizable, straightforward to use. They tend to offer a great bang forthe buck, especially on the entry-level ones. In fact, you can purchase a moreexpensive turntable, start with a reasonably inexpensive cartridge that soundsgreat and move into higher performance ones over time, if you wish. Of course,there is a downside. They do require a bit more care and feeding than theirdigital brethren. The two main types of cartridges on the market are movingmagnet (MM) and moving coil (MC). They both have their advantages anddisadvantages. However, as a rule, moving magnet cartridges tend to be lessexpensive to date.
--->LampizatOr MM2 moving-magnet (MM) vacuum tube phono stage review.

Tekton Moab Floorstanding SpeakerReview
With their thunderous bass complementing a dazzlingly beautiful midrange,Tekton's Moab full-range speakers stand tall both in appearance and in musicality.
Review By Rogier van Bakel
Forvirtually everyone on the planet, this past calendar year brought a range ofchallenges and sorrows; 10/10 would not recommend. Hooray for 2021, with itspromise of health, actual instead of virtual hugs, and a return to normalcy. When looking back on our collectiveannushorribilis(Latin for dumpster fire), Iconsider the arrival of a pair of TektonMoab speakers in my listening room a welcome ray of light. Like manyaudiophiles confined to home by the pandemic, I've found much meaning andcomfort in music these past nine months. With my photography business on theskids, there was suddenly occasion to burrow into a couple of thousand standouttracks, old and new. I almost didn't miss the roughly two dozen concertsI would've attended in a normal year. I think that's in part because, well, ifany stereo speakers I've ever heard sound just like live music, it's theMoabs.
--->Tekton Moab floorstanding speaker review.

Audio MusiKraft Polished Lithium Nitro 2 Cartridge Review
Discovering the joys of a new realm in listening enjoyment.
Review By Bob Grossman
AudioMusiKraft's polished Lithium Nitro 2 cartridge with Ipe wood inserts is adramatic enhancement of the classic Denon 103 that performs in a nuanced,balanced, lively, engaging, musically satisfying way with having a stunningbejeweled shell. While the cost is way beyond that of the basic 103cartridge, so is the performance! The MusiKraft cartridge will beappealing to the most discerning and demanding audiophile and can be theultimate tunable piece of equipment for bringing listening enjoyment. Deciding upon a cartridge can be a complex and difficultchallenge for any audiophile. Cartridges are not usually an item that can beborrowed to easily install at home for a demo evaluation.
--->Audio MusiKraft Polished Lithium Nitro 2 cartridge review.

DS Audio DS-E1 Optical Phono Cartridge / Phono Energizer And DS Audio ION 001 Vinyl Ionizer Review
New heavyweight contenders!
Review By Maurice Jeffries
My firstencounter with DS Audio's fascinating line of optical cartridges and matchingphono energizers (the term that DS Audio uses to describe the outboard powersupply/phono equalization units supplied with each cartridge) occurred at the2020 Florida Audio Expo Show, held last February in sunny Tampa, Florida.Musical Surroundings distributes DS Audio's growing line of products here inthe United States. In the Musical Surroundings suite, company head honcho GarthLeerer and his team put together a swell little system headlined by theaffordable and overachieving Maggie .7 speakers, a stem-to-stern suite of Rogueelectronics, Wire World cables, an eye-catching cobalt blue AMG Giro turntable,and matching arm, this fronted by an entry-level DS Audio DS-E1 opticalcartridge and matching phono energizer.
---> DS Audio DS-E1 optical phono cartridge / Phono Energizer and DS Audio ION 001 vinyl ionizer review.

Sennheiser HD 800 S Open-Back Headphones Review
Keith Howard continues his adventures in headphones with an in-depth look at this classic design, firstreviewed by Martin Colloms.
Review By Keith Howard
WhenSennheiser launched the original HD 800 – of which the S is an improvedversion – in 2009, none of us knew just how momentous the next decade would befor headphones, driven principally by the arrival and rise to ubiquity of thesmartphone and the dawn of hi-res portable digital music players. Before we knewit, everyone and his dog was making headphones, planar magnetics were having anunlikely renaissance, speaker manufacturers sought a slice of the action, andpeople wore not just earbuds on public transport but large circumaurals too.With no trace of embarrassment.
--->Sennheiser HD 800 S headphones review.

Simaudio MOON 600i v2Stereo Integrated Amplifier Review
A truly special performer.
Review By John Acton
As I've grown older, and presumably, wiser, I'vecome to appreciate more the significance of anniversaries. Whether they bepersonal, such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries, or professional (itoccurs to me that I've been on the masthead at Positive Feedback fornearly 20 years), these milestone accomplishments resonate with me, due perhapsto their reinforcement of continuity and longevity in a world of seemingconstant flux and uncertainty. Mayhap this explains the vicarious pleasure Iexperienced, learning earlier this year of Simaudio's 40th anniversary. TheCanadian-based high-end audio manufacturer began its life as Sima Electronics,founded in 1980 by Victor Sima.
--->Simaudio MOON 600i v2 integrated amp review.

Dokoni HiFiMan HE6SE Elite Series Earpads Review
Greatly upping the game in both sound quality and elegant luxuriance.
Review By Gary Alan Barker
Afterseeing my review of the Dekoni earpads for the Spirit Torino Twin Pulseheadphones, Dekoni decided to send me earpads for my HiFiMan HE6se headphones,which I saw as a great opportunity to not only review the earpads but the HE6sethemselves. Earpads are one of the least expensive ways to upgrade notonly the look and feel of your headphone but the sound also. In fact, byselecting different earpads for different occasions you can often eliminate theneed for multiple headphones to accommodate different music genres.
--->Dokoni HiFiMan HE6SE Elite Series Earpads review.
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The Intro
Editorial By Art Dudley
Passions run high among music lovers. We vilify'bad' musicians(the ones we dislike), and we elevate marginally functional savants with a couple of 2-minute singles and some albumfiller under their belts. When it comes to more unique and productive figures like PhilSpector, Jimi Hendrix, Wilhelm Furtwängler, John Cage, or [insert your own heroes andvillains here], music fans either revere them as gods or dismiss them as meaningless.Sometimes there are shades in between, but perspective is at a premium. This tendency to paint things black or white spills over to the equipment we useto play back our favorite recordings.
---> Read Art Dudley's introarticle from Listener magazine.

Try A Screen Driven Driver Stage
Article By Rikard Berglund
From Sound PracticesIssue 8, Winter 1994/1995
Some output tubes (211 and 845) need a veryhigh drive voltage with low distortion. Some tube freaks have used the 300B tube as a driverbut it is very expensive. Others have tried to use a triode connected EL34 but it is notlinear enough. A pentode driven on the screen grid is very linear. I have tried this concept in a new driverstage, as shown on the accompanying schematic. The first two tubes V1 and V2 form anasymmetrical mu-follower. V3 is a screen grid driven pentode. Adjust the potentiometer R9to 350V DC at the plate of V3. You can use many different tubes for V3.
---> Read Try A Screen Driven Driver Stagearticle.

Listening impressions of some collectible equipment.
From VALVE Volume 2 Number6 June 1995
There, I hope that helps keep anyone from getting to upset, because I'm goingto be honest about what I thought of some very highly touted equipment. Two weeks ago I had the opportunity toaudition a Marantz 7 preamp and 8 power amp which were consigned to me. Both pieces were in excellent electronic shape and very good to excellent cosmeticshape. The preamp had been checked out and a new filter cap installed by Audio Classics, the guys inNew York who sell all the Mac stuff for huge prices.
---> Read Rare Birds from VALVEmagazine.

World Premiere Review!
Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems
Momentum Lifestyle Integrated Amplifier
With DAC & Audio Streaming Review
Only for music lovers, because that is the MLife's raison d'être
– to enable the listener to revel inone's love of music.
Review ByTom Lyle
Manyaudiophiles are familiar with the name Dan D'Agostino, by virtue of him beingthe founder, CEO, and chief engineer at Krell which he founded in 1980. Theproducts made by Krell, which included everything from power amplifiers to SACDplayers and speakers, were some of the best high-end components available. In2009 he was ousted by investors that he himself invited into the company becausethey thought the company should change direction. Almost immediately afterleaving Krell he formed Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems.. Inlate 1970s a local dealer lent me a Krell power amplifier. When I auditioned itin my humble system it was almost instantly apparent that no, all poweramplifiers do not sound the same.
--->Dan D'Agostino MAS Momentum Lifestyle integrated amplifier with DAC/streamingreview.

Enjoy's 20 Year Anniversary
We get by with a little help from our friends.
ArticleBy Steven R. Rochlin
Frankly, 20 years is a short period of time. Has it reallybeen 20 years? Would love to say it seems like only yesterday that Yours Trulywas this wild four ear piercings, nose ring and dog collar wearing avant-gardeyoung kid strolling the hallways at shows, yet when it comes to the modernInternet 20 days ago seems like forever. Knowing that simply offeringbasic advice and how-to articles, plus my senseless ramblings, were fun yet thesite also needed to start reviewing gear. Longtime and highly respected reviewerDick Olsher and others agreed to join Enjoythe back in those early days and we've continued to growever since.
--->Enjoy the's 20 year anniversary editorial.

World Premiere Review!
PureAudioProject Quintet15 Horn1 Modular Open BaffleLoudspeakers Review
The pure essence of music at Kipnis Studios(KSS).
Review By JeremyKipnis
For as longas I can remember, I've been interested in audio and particularly the qualitiesassociated with really good Stereophonic music reproduction. And I've oftennoted how there are such a myriad of different ways to design a pair of speakersand still get a high quality sonic illusion that easily communicates qualitieslike believable imaging, spatiality, height, dynamics, frequency extension,sense of immersion, and toe tapping musicality; should they be found in therecordings listened to in the first place. Apparently, speakers can come in allshapes and sizes, be constructed of wood, metal, glass, carbon-fiber, concrete,and even plastic. And they have been in use in telecommunications and relatedindustries for almost a hundred and fifty years..
--->PureAudioProject Quintet15 Horn1 loudspeaker review.

Metronome Le Dac Review
..and the Technicolor Dream.
Review By Paul Schumann
Thoseof you who have read some of my previous reviews know that I am in some ways athrowback, sticking with my compact discs while some audiophiles have moved touncompressed digital files and others have embraced the vinyl side. I have a lotof CDs, and by God, I'm going to still listen to them.. Sometimes you start to wonder, are those fancyhigh-end DACs really that much better? A few months ago, I noticed an announcement for a new DAC by acompany called Metronome. Appropriately it is called Le Dac. The announcementsaid that the Le Dac is the new low-cost entry into the Metronome line.
---> Metronome Le Dac review.

Previous Issues





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Note: We have magazine issues dating back to 1999.
See our archives section for all reviews.

Gryphon Antileon Anniversary

The roots of the Antileon amplifier go back to the very beginnings of concludes the Gryphon company and even beyond. The product that would come to be known as the legend..

access_time 03:17PM 21 January 2021

Estelon Forza Anniversary Edition

The Estelon Forza, which personifies technologies trickled-down from the Extreme (Estelon's ultimate flagship model), was introduced in 2019 and has already received much..

access_time 08:14PM 20 January 2021

Urbanista Miami

Car Audio Magazine Pdf

Urbanista, the Swedish lifestyle audio brand, announces the launch of Urbanista Miami, an active noise canceling wireless over-ear headphone available in four stylish col..

access_time 12:49PM 19 January 2021

Hegel V10

Music comes in many forms and there are now more available audio formats than ever before. Hegel's focus since the start has been to push the envelope trying to achieve b..

access_time 12:24PM 17 January 2021

Denon Home Sound Bar 550

Audio Magazines Pdf Free

Denon introduced the Denon Home Sound Bar 550, a high-performance, a compact soundbar that adds superior TV audio to the Denon Home family of products. With the ability t..

access_time 08:10AM 14 January 2021

McIntosh MA12000

McIntosh introduced the MA12000 Hybrid Integrated Amplifier. This fully loaded, hybrid integrated amplifier is a product of uncompromising audio engineering and expert cr..

access_time 07:55PM 07 January 2021

Moonriver Audio 404 Reference

Moonriver Audio is proud to announce a new model, the 404 Reference integrated amplifier which is the improved version of the Standard model. Following the runaway succes..


access_time 11:19AM 08 December 2020

Sonus Faber Maxima Amator

Sonus Faber is proud to announce the Maxima Amator, a two-way design speaker that successfully merges two drivers to achieve a unique emotion with the maximum representat..

access_time 03:14PM 07 December 2020

Focal Aria K2 936

Since 2013, Aria has been a leading range among high-performing and expressive Hi-Fi loudspeakers. With its natural flax cone and sleek style, Aria marked a decisive poin..

Audio Magazine Subscriptions

access_time 11:02AM 06 December 2020

T+A Solitaire P & HA 200

T+A, the high-end specialist audio manufacturer based in Germany, announced the launch of its first-ever headphones and headphone amplifier - Solitaire P and HA 200. Hand..

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Maserati MC20

Merging speed with sound this audio and automotive collaboration brings the spirit of Italy to life through the Maserati MC20 super sports car equipped with Sonus Faber a..

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Audio Magazines Pdf Download

NAD C 298

NAD Electronics announced another high- performance amplifier that uses Purifi Eigentakt amplification technology. The C 298 is a two-channel powerhouse that is a perfect..

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